960 Alloy Drive
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6A4
807.768.0660 or 1.888.269.0237
Our passion to help others inspired us to open a small private practice in our home in 2007.
With only a modest ad in the yellow pages and positive word-of-mouth advertising, our tiny practice rapidly grew, requiring us to relocate to a larger office building within a year.
Through a combination of many factors, including a strong commitment to our values of honesty, integrity, and respect, our passion for excellence, and our warm, down-to-earth style, our practice continued to grow, and we responded by adding more professionals, more support staff, and more and more offices!
Ten years later, we have achieved our dream of helping people in our community (and throughout the region) to overcome their difficulties and live happier lives, through the development of a modern, professional, full service psychology clinic!
~Jennifer & Trevor Sullivan
Our clinical team is committed to excellence in the provision of assessment and therapy/
Since 2007, we have been committed to helping our clients answer important clinical questions through psychological assessments, create change with psychotherapy/