What People Identify As
Their Top 3 Needs For Happiness
According to a survey in October 2018, 67% of Canadians reported feeling very happy.
With the challenges related to COVID-19, I suspect this number would look a little different now, but overall, Canadians have been a fairly happy bunch.
But what makes you truly happy? And how would you rank your top 3 needs for happiness?
Let's take a closer look at the top 3 needs for happiness in the present day and see how these needs have changed over time.
In a 2014 survey presented at the British Psychological Society's Annual Conference, it was found that the top 3 needs for happiness were:
- Good humour
- Leisure time
- Security
And as luck would have it, the same question was asked to a group of study participants 76 years earlier.
Here are the Top 3 needs for happiness in the 1938 survey:
- Security
- Knowledge
- Religion
Not surprisingly, as times change, so do people's needs, yet there was one important constant in both lists - a need for security.
And one very important takeaway from the current pandemic is the impact of uncertainty on mental health.
In a recent survey by the Canadian Mental Health Association, it was found that 79% of Ontario residents reported struggling with feelings of uncertainty about the future.
And as we can see from both surveys, feeling secure is a key ingredient for feeling happy.
Take-Home Message
While you may not share the same top 3 needs for happiness from the 1938 or 2014 list, it's an important question.
I encourage you to take a few moments to ask yourself, "What will truly make me happy?" as this is hopefully one of your primary goals in life.
And I'd suggest revisiting this question from time-to-time, as needs for happiness can change, and it can be important to make mid-course corrections to ensure that you are living your best life.