How Our Mental Health Questionnaire Can Help You
Congratulations on deciding to take our free mental health test! Mental health is an area we all struggle with from time to time and your quality of life can suffer dramatically when you don’t feel good emotionally.
Please note: this questionnaire was developed by Sullivan and Associates Clinical Psychology to provide a general overview of your mental health. It is not to be diet diagnostic or to replace a formal mental health assessment by a health care practitioner (i.e. Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Physician, etc.). However, feel free to use it as a starting point towards learning about improving your mental health and well-being. If you choose to pursue psychotherapy/counseling or discuss your mental health with your physician or nurse practitioner, sharing your results from this mental health task would provide a valuable information.
Benefits of Taking our Mental Health Questionnaire
- Comprehensive – Convers a wide range of mental health issues.
- Confidential – Your responses and results are 100% confidential.
- Easy to Do – It’s a rating/scale style questionnaire. Just click on the selection that best describes you.
- Provides Measurement – You will receive a score for a number of different areas of mental health functioning such as anxiety depression, emotional regulation, trauma, attention, etc.
- Direction – suggests helpful next steps, such as suggestion suggestions for resources and services based on your responses.
- Cost Effective – it’s free to use as many times as you like.
- Quick to Use – It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the test.
- Immediate Results – You will receive your results immediately upon completing the test.
- Free Report – If you enter your remail address, you will receive a copy of your results. If you chose to provide your email address, your responses and results will remain 100% confidential.
- Anonymous – You don’t need to provide any identifying information to complete the test.